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24HIS / 00000 / 03152
Record Type
Building/ERS/Permits/Rec-Public Service
CAP Status
File Date
Detailed Description
Public Service. Assigned to Paul on 1/17/2025. Additional Information Required: Project requires development of an environmental assessment. Project Description: Barton Health (Barton) proposes to construct a new, state of the art, full-service hospital on the 6.67-acre site of the former Lakeside Inn & Casino, 168 US Highway 50, Stateline, Nevada. The Project is located within the Kingsbury Town Center of the Douglas County South Shore Area Plan (SSAP). The Project will enable Barton to defer demolition of the existing hospital located at 2170 South Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, California ("CA Campus") built in 1963 until the new hospital is operational, thereby avoiding a multi-year interruption of full-service healthcare to the South Shore and surrounding communities. Intake Notes (1/17/25): applicant will provide fire protection pre-approval and findings. (2/1/25): fire protection pre-approval provided.
Assigned to
Paul Nielsen



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