The Lake Tahoe Info Parcel Tracker provides information about parcels within the Tahoe Region. Type an address or Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) into the search box below to get basic information about the parcel along with a location map. You may also search for  parcels by clicking on the map. Follow the "View Parcel Details" link to see more details about the parcel including any deed restrictions, land capability information, developments rights associated with the parcel, and a summary of TRPA permit records.

To register moorings, please click the "Mooring Permitting and Registration" button above on the right.

Search Instructions

Only current active parcels will be found in this search. To search for historic/inactive parcels use the search bar in the top right of the Parcel Tracker.

APN formats (include hyphens):

  • El Dorado/City of South Lake Tahoe: XXX-XXX-XXX
  • Placer: XXX-XXX-XXX
  • Washoe: XXX-XXX-XX
  • Douglas: XXXX-XX-XXX-XXX